AmateurNetCash is an awesome program for adult webmasters. Utilizing our adult membership sites, with our brand new partnership program, you have an unbeatable money making program designed to put money in your pocket.
Our paysites will turn your hard earned traffic into PURE CASH. We are working in conjunction with
NATS and CCBill, the most reputable affiliate programs on the web, to create our webmaster program. Look what we have to offer!
Amateur Netcash is a very profitable affiliate partnership. We offer $30 per
sign up or a 50% revenue sharing program for the life of the membership.
And because we are very competitive in quality, content and price you will see more conversions and more rebills
than the average adult site.
We also offer a 10% lifetime Webmaster referral bonus. Earn
10% of each sale and rebill generated by any Webmaster you refer to
our program. Our sites have been around since 2000 so they are built
on a proven formula. And since we were not affiliate marketing
based, you won't see our content being promoted to a saturation
point like most other reputable affiliate programs. Some of our
sites convert 1/200 currently (have screen grabs to prove it), so
you will make the most out of your hard earned traffic.